Helpful Links to Other Radio Sites

The World Wide Web is rich with information about collector radios. Your favorite search engine will find millions of pages!

Although I can not keep exhaustive listings here, the following may be of assistance and perhaps you can not find these sides with your search engine. I'm not responsible for content on other sites.


An outstanding site with very much valuable information about Grundig Satellit and other collector radios. This is Ian's Site fulfilled with excellent tips and interesting info.



You'll find some interesting informations about Grundig Satellit with Wikipedia



Diese Seite zu Mister Wong hinzufügen




An very nice Russian site with valuable information about Grundig Satellit is Satellit Radio Club the very best collector site of Russia.




Grundig, Panasonic, Sony plus many more, visit  Paul & Cheryl's site.













I am glad you've found my private website. If you look under "My Candies" you'll find a large selection of Grundig Satellits out of my collection,  that I'm making available to other collectors.


To navigate simply,  click on the desired model number over the picture and scroll through. Each Radio has a menu list. From there you can get a detailed view of the radio from all angles. You can also ask questions per e-mail about the specific model.


Be sure to go to the "Contact Corner" and please sign in on my site's guestbook. Have fun exploring and may you always have good reception.


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